Spirit of Volunteerism Awards

Spirit of Volunteerism Awards

We are honored to sponsor and present the Spirit of Volunteerism Youth Award to this year’s winner, Shelby Specht.  Congratulations to all of the nominees in all divisions.  Your work and contributions to the community are noticed and appreciated. Spirit of...


Due to the blizzard, our office will be closed on Tuesday, March 6th. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but the safety of our patient’s and staff is our priority. We hope everyone has a safe and cozy snow day!

Can I Whiten My Child’s Teeth?

We often get asked about whitening when a child’s top permanent teeth start erupting between age 7 and 8. Permanent teeth are naturally not as white as baby teeth. When the new adult teeth come in, they can appear yellow because they are right next to the baby teeth...