Worldwide Health Crisis

March 12, 2020


To our patients and families:
During this worldwide health crisis, we at Children’s Dental Center and Parkway Orthodontics want to reassure you that our commitment to provide a safe environment remains as strong as it always has been. You and your child’s safety are our top priority. We are constantly and continuously adhering to the latest available scientific information to make our office as clean and safe as possible.
• Asking that our team members do not come in when they are ill or have not been feeling well
• We will be sanitizing the toys, games, surfaces, and door handles more frequently during the day
• Hand sanitizer will be readily available at the front desk and throughout the clinic
WHAT WE ASK THAT YOU DO: (Per CDC and ADA recommendations)
• Please do not bring your child to their appointments if you think they are not feeling well; we will reschedule their appointment appropriately
• Children with fevers, cough, shortness of breath and other flu-like symptoms should remain home until fever free for 24 hours
• We are unable to provide masks to family members who request at this time due to world-wide shortage
• Moving forward, we ask that no sick children or other family members be brought into the office even if they do not have an appointment.
We are paying close attention to the recommendations of the CDC and the City of Sioux Falls and State of South Dakota Health Departments and will update our protocol accordingly.
If you need any additional information or have additional questions, please call our office at 605-332-1095 or email at [email protected]

-The Doctors and staff at Children’s Dental Center and Parkway Orthodontics