How to Treat Impacted Teeth in Children

Impacted teeth can cause pain and crowding in your child’s mouth. Discover how to identify an impacted tooth and what treatment options are available.

How to Treat Impacted Teeth in Children

Impacted teeth can cause pain and crowding in your child’s mouth. Discover how to identify an impacted tooth and what treatment options are available.

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What Are Impacted Teeth?

An impacted tooth occurs when a tooth is blocked from erupting through the gums or is coming in at an angle, often due to crowding or lack of space. This is most common with wisdom teeth, but it can also affect other teeth in the mouth. Impacted teeth can cause discomfort, swelling, and misalignment, and they can even lead to infection if not treated.

How to Identify Impacted Teeth in Children

Signs of an impacted tooth include pain or swelling in the gums, difficulty chewing, or teeth that appear crooked. In some cases, impacted teeth are asymptomatic, meaning they may not cause pain but could still lead to alignment issues. Regular dental check-ups and X-rays are crucial for identifying impacted teeth early.

Treatment for Impacted Teeth

If your child has an impacted tooth, our team at Children’s Dental Center will evaluate the situation with X-rays and other diagnostics. In some cases, we may recommend tooth extraction to prevent misalignment or infection. For teeth that can be saved, orthodontic treatments like braces or space maintainers may be used to guide the tooth into its proper position. Early intervention is key to avoiding long-term dental complications.

Services that could help with Impacted Teeth

Children's Dental Center offers a wide variety of services. Read about services that could help your child with Impacted Teeth!